Introducing WildFHIR!

We are proud to present AEGIS’ referenceĀ implementation of Health Level Seven (HL7) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR). We have named our RI, “WildFHIR.” FHIR defines a set of “Resources” that represent granular clinical concepts. The resources can be managed in isolation, or aggregated into complex documents. This flexibility offers coherent solutions for a range of […]

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ONC/CMS eCQM Kaizen Event

As part of the overarching US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) re-design of the electronic clinical measure testing and certification process, a National Test Bed (NTB) has been proposed to expand clinical measure testing methods while also incorporating earlier and more frequent engagement across a broader range of stakeholders throughout the clinical measure […]

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OSEHRA IWG meets Feb. 18

Are you ready to interoperate? Mario Hyland (@interopguy), Senior Vice President and Founder of AEGIS chairs the Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent (OSEHRA) Interoperability Work Group (IWG). The OSEHRA IWG is aimed at promoting the importance of testing for interoperability and standards conformance in the electronic exchange of health information. The IWG will mobilize […]

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AEGIS is Successful at the IHE Connectathon 2014

The Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise’s (IHE)Ā Connectathon is a 5-day event (Jan 27th-Jan 31st) in which participants from all over the world come to test healthcare system interoperability. Ā Interoperability is tested when a participant brings a system and undergoes a series of scenario-based tests to verify that their system can send, receive, and read data to/from […]

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Health Care Innovation ā€“ Washington, DC (HCI-DC 2014): Igniting an Interoperable Health Care System

AEGIS will be attending and participating in the upcoming West Health Instituteā€™s ā€œHealth Care Innovationā€ series of 2014: Igniting an Interoperable Health Care System. The HCI-DC conference will be held on February 6, 2014 in Washington, DC. (HCI-DC). The Gary and Mary West Health InstituteĀ (WHI) and theĀ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information TechnologyĀ (ONC) […]

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2014 ONC Annual Meeting

AEGIS will actively participate in the upcoming 2014 Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) Annual Meeting on January 23-24 in Washington, DC. ThisĀ meeting occursĀ on the heels of Dr. Karen DeSalvo, MD starting her role as the new National Coordinator. AEGIS staff will engage in the wide-range of training sessions, covering EHR certification, […]

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IHE North American Conference

AEGIS will actively participate in the 2014 IHE North American Conference in Chicago, IL Ā January 27 – 31. We will be directly involved in the Connectathon testing leveraging the AEGIS Developers Integration Lab (DIL). AEGIS staff will be testing its IHE profiles against other participants at the Connectathon. Systems that support IHE Integration Profiles work […]

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HL7 January 2014 Working Group Meeting

AEGIS will attend and participate in the Health Level Seven (HL7) Working Group Meeting in San Antonio, TX from January 18-25. At the event, we will be involved in the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Standards (FHIRĀ®) Connectathon as well as several working group sessions including CDC Immunization, Security, and others. Mario Hyland, Senior Vice President at […]

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