AEGIS believes that we need to earn the reputation with each of our clients as their Trusted Advisors. One way we do that is by sharing our insights in to what makes IT most effective & efficient, and least risky.
Blog Posts

AEGIS Named to 2023 NVTC Tech100
For the 4th time in five years, AEGIS has been named as one of only 61 top IT companies in the Northern Virginia Technology Council (NVTC) annual Tech100 list. We are super proud of this recognition in the company of so many incredible technology firms making their home in the metro DC area. “Congratulations to

AEGIS Sponsors AFCEA Energy Conference
AEGIS once again sponsored the 2023 edition of the AFCEA Bethesda Chapter’s Energy, Infrastructure and Environment (EIE) conference held November 17 at the National Press Club. AEGIS has been a sponsor now for all three EIE conferences since the event’s 2021 inception as one of the earliest “post-Covid” in-person conferences in DC. This year, we

ONC Seeks Public Comment on Electronic Prior Authorization Standards, Implementation Specifications, and Certification Criteria
AEGIS has submitted the following response on behalf of the Testing community. We look forward to continuing to work alongside the HL7 FHIR community, ONC, and all implementers. 2022 03 25 AEGIS – RFI RIN 0955-AA04 FINAL