Pronoia Health and AEGIS have partnered on the launch of the Open Library of Health Information Exchange (OLHIE). OLHIE is an online ecosystem designed to accelerate connections to Health Information Exchanges (HIE) by facilitating the reuse of interfaces and other assets, particularly those developed with federal or state funding. The idea behind OLHIE is simple: establishing HIEs is hard! So why not take advantage of the good work that’s already been done in government and industry by going to the library and pulling out the resources that will help accelerate your HIE effort while making sure it takes advantage of the best practices developed to date?
Created by Pronoia Health and hosted at the AEGIS Data Center, OLHIE allows “Authors” of HIE-related assets to share their work and provide “Consumers” with real-world resources to inform their work. OLHIE assets include interface code and related documents (requirements, templates, data sets, technical and user documentation, training materials, etc.), RFPs and contract language, policies, and source code created for connecting EHRs, laboratories, pharmacies, public health and other health entities with various types of health information infrastructure.
OHLIE Goals include:
• Promote reuse, cooperation, and learning in order to reduce the cost of building and operating HIE.
• Create a web application that allows readers to search, categorize, “like”, review, and create their own bookshelves that can be shared with other readers and inform authors.
• Streamlined workflow for authors to publish, version, make private, and remove assets.
You can read our full press release here.