HL7® FHIR® and Touchstone Virtual Training July 10-11, 2024

OPTIMIZE YOUR PREPARATION FOR THE JULY 2024 CMS & HL7 FHIR CONNECTATHON. With the number and sophistication of HL7® FHIR® Implementation Guides rapidly increasing, knowing that your FHIR implementations conform to those IGs and the underlying FHIR specifications is more important than ever. Touchstone is the anchor of our FHIR validation ecosystem which empowers your […]

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HL7® FHIR® and Touchstone Virtual Training April 17-18, 2024

With the number and sophistication of HL7® FHIR® Implementation Guides rapidly increasing, knowing that your FHIR implementations are conformant to those IGs and the underlying FHIR specifications is more important than ever. Touchstone is the anchor of our FHIR validation ecosystem which empowers your FHIR implementation team to objectively measure the accuracy of their implementation […]

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Validate Full UDAP Workflow at the January 2024 HL7 FHIR Connectathon

At this month’s virtual HL7® FHIR® Connectathon, you can validate the full end-to-end HL7 UDAP workflow, including automated checking of requests and responses and the contents of the JWTs within. HL7 UDAP (https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/fhir-udap-security-ig/index.html) is an OAuth-2-based authorization mechanism that is on the draft roadmaps of the national HIEs and TEFCA. Here’s a quick demo: https://youtu.be/pCCnV66sItA […]

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HL7® FHIR® and Touchstone Virtual Training October 11-12, 2023

Join us once again October 11-12, 2023 for two days of hands-on HL7® FHIR® and AEGIS Touchstone training with our expert team of FHIR developers. AEGIS has trained hundreds of developers to build with HL7 FHIR using Touchstone, our cloud-based platform that supports FHIR conformance as you build. Whether you are new to HL7 FHIR or looking […]

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What the “Heck-a-thon”

Connectathons are at risk of devolving into check-the-box participation and demonstration events. Let’s fix that. Not that long ago, health IT implementers attended annual (IHE) Connectathon events to test and polish their nearly-ready-for-production (most advanced) implementations. This was (and they still are) a big deal, with significant costs to register, prepare and attend. IHE Connectathon […]

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HL7® FHIR® and Touchstone Virtual Training Nov. 3-4, 2021

Join us once again Nov. 3-4, 2021 for two days of hands-on HL7® FHIR® and AEGIS Touchstone training with our expert team of FHIR developers. AEGIS has trained hundreds of developers to build with HL7 FHIR using Touchstone, our cloud-based platform that supports FHIR conformance as you build. Whether you are new to HL7 FHIR or looking […]

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Proud Member of the FHIR Business Alliance

Sunday Funnies: Dr. Interoperability

Wishing everyone a restful weekend and offering some traditional “Sunday funnies” – not to mention a fun, easy way to see why testing is so important – with our very own Dr. Interoperability 🙂 Artistic credit: Jaymie Y. Im

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Coding With Blinders On

I saw a horse pulling a carriage the other day and noticed that the horse had blinders on. Blinders are those square pieces of leather on the side of each of the horse’s eyes. It prevents the horse from becoming distracted and allows it to focus on moving ahead when trotting among the city traffic. […]

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The Importance of Testing HL7® FHIR®

The AEGIS team had the pleasure of attending the HL7 Patient Access API Implementation Virtual Event, held August 17-19th, 2020. The Implementation Event was designed for organizations looking to focus on the technical and functional requirements for Patient Access APIs by payers in the context of CMS/ONC final rule and implementation deadlines. HL7 Implementation and […]

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